Idag presenterar vi resultaten i klassen för fjärdekalvarna. Nedan redovisas domarens motivering för alla placeringar i klassen. Bilder och filmer på respektive ko finns under fliken ”Digital utställning”

This class of two cows I find difficult to separate. While they are different styles of cows, both exhibit good dairy bone, both are good through the body traits and both walk freely, with good feet and legs. It appears that Blomma is more recently milked and possibly further into lactation and therefore could show a less desirable udder depth at critical times.

1: a: 942 TORA, Familjen Engström, Färanäs Västregård, Vislanda
942 Tora, displays a great potential for a long productive life, with better udder conformation, particularly texture and fore attachment. But she appears to have one light quarter and is not as strong in the loin when she walks.

2: a: 1346 BLOMMA, Klas Johansson, Lommaryds Prästgård, Aneby
1346 Blomma, is a very close second place with her balanced udder and strong loin.

Stort grattis till vinnarna! Priser och diplom delas ut på SRB-Föreningens årsstämma i Haparanda den 2 augusti.