Idag presenterar vi resultaten i klassen för femtekalvarna och äldre. Nedan redovisas domarens motivering för alla placeringar i klassen. Bilder och filmer på respektive ko finns under fliken ”Digital utställning”

It is always a pleasure to admire the mature cow class, the cows which have endured life’s challenges and would not be here except their fortitude has won the respect of their owners.

1: a: 717 HELEN, Luttugården AB/ Viktoria Wahlberg, Soukolojärvi, Övertorneå
717 Helen, on her fifth lactation, this lovely clean dairy cow shows wonderful youthfulness, a strong loin, good rump angle, a well textured udder, good teat placement and all with good body condition.

2: a: 668 ERIKA, Patrik Isaksson, Tockarp, Aneby
668 Erika, on her sixth lactation this cow gives away some youthfulness to the class winner, but shows great ability to produce milk efficiently. At the front is a great muzzle and head, a smooth fitting shoulder, good fore udder attachment and texture. She is just let down by the wear in her udder.

3: a: 1190 LILJA, Klas Johansson, Lommaryds Prästgård, Aneby
1190 Lilja, third place cow is another year older on her ninth lactation and while she shows great youthfulness and locomotion, she does not show the rump angle, loin strength, depth of rib and teat placement of the younger cow above her. However, she is stronger than the fourth placed cow in the areas of rump angle, fore rib and general capacity.

4: a: 757 FRIDA, Grindals Gård AB, Näset, Orsa
757 Frida, in fourth place again shows youthfulness, a high rear udder, clean bone and good sweep of rib, leg set, udder texture and fore attachment.

Stort grattis till vinnarna! Priser och diplom delas ut på SRB-Föreningens årsstämma i Haparanda imorgon den 2 augusti.